
Day in the Life of a Student

Hello, welcome back!

I thought it would be fun to write about one of my average days at university as an undergraduate. Everyone’s timetable is different, and I am super nosey and love reading these kinds of posts, so I thought it’s only fair if I shared mine with you.

So I am currently first year at university and I’m currently studying science. I’ve decided not to mention what university I go to and what specific course I study. I don’t really know why I said, but I think I should probably just stay unrecognisable right now.

So my timetable! Since I study a science degree, throughout the week I have lectures, tutorials/small group work, labs, practicals and workshops. Some sessions are quite similar but I’ll get into more detail so you can understand.

Every day at university is different, I never have the exact same day! So for this post I am just going to tell you my day yesterday!

7:00 am – Wake up!

  • This is always the hardest part of the day! I hate leaving my bed in the mornings as I’m always so cosy. I am also not an early bird – I really wish I was! I usually regret staying up late the night before at this point in the morning as I’m usually exhausted.

7:30 am – Breakfast (Essential!)

  • Breakfast is ESSENTIAL! I am the worst for eating breakfast – as you probably know if you read my last post. However, now it is 2019 I am making a huge effort to make sure I eat something before leaving my flat. Previously I would skip breakfast and I would just have a coffee – but this is not good! Please please please eat breakfast! Trust me, you do feel better if you eat before working!

8:10 am – Meet my friends to get the bus to Uni

  • I try leave my flat on time in the mornings but I am always late! Every morning I am supposed to meet my friend outside her flat at 8:10 but usually it’s not till 8:20 at the earliest… I have 9am lectures everyday, Mon-Fri! It sucks but at least it keeps me in a routine! For my all my lectures/tutorials etc. I have them at a different campus, which requires us to get a bus every morning. It’s probably possible to walk but it would take over an hour, and I am not getting up any earlier than I have too!

9:00 am – First lecture

  • Once I get to our buildings, usually around 8:40, I meet my friends and we grab a coffee before our first lecture.
  • Yesterday my first lecture was Physiology! I’m currently enjoying this module as it is a much better topic than last semester!
  • (Usually the structure to my day is that I have lectures all morning and then practicals/labs in the afternoon)

10:00 am – Second lecture

  • First lecture finishes at 10 am and my next one starts straight after. Same seat, same lecture theatre – nice and simple! This lecture was another Physiology lecture which just expanded on the previous topic.

11:00 am – Third lecture

  • Usually by this point I am drained and I’m not very focused – especially if I have another lecture. Sometimes I have workshops at this time but yesterday I had another lecture:(
  • Same seat, same lecture theatre! This time it was a 2 hour pharmacology lecture – I love the principle of pharmacology – it’s just so hard and confusing!!

1:00 pm – LUNCH!

  • Finally, my favourite part of the day! I’m usually very excited (and hungry) at this point because all my lectures are finished for the day. For lunch I brought in some homemade soup – it was good! Usually during lunch, I spend it relaxing and catching up with friends. However, if it’s longer than an hour I try go to the library to catch up on the mornings lectures.

2:00 pm – Practical skills

  • So yesterday I had practical skills. It was super fun, this is my favourite thing during the week! I love learning about science, however I definitely prefer the practical side to my course!

4:00 pm – Travel back to my flat

  • Usually we finish at either 4 or 5 pm. So once I’m out of Practical skills I jump on the bus and travel back to my flat. By this point I am exhausted and ready to have a nap (or another coffee)!

6:00 pm – Tea

  • I usually eat tea at different times each day, it just depends on my timetable. However, yesterday I managed to wait till 6 until I cooked. For tea I decided to make spicy quorn noodles – one of my favourite meals!
  • I tend to give myself a break when I get back to my flat, so between 4-6pm I’m most likely in the kitchen chatting with my flatmates or at a friend’s flat. It is so important to give yourself a break in your day because it is so easy to get tied up in work.

7:00 pm – Study/Catch up on work

  • I try my hardest to go over every lecture from the day and make sure I understand it. I don’t tend to make notes for everything as there is way too much content but I use flashcards, mind maps and notes from previous students etc.
  • I find it so hard to motivate myself to start studying (I’m meant to be doing revision right now but I’m procrastinating haha)!

~10:00 pm – I attempt to stop studying, go and chill in the kitchen with my flatmates and chat

  • I usually stop revising at around 10pm and I normally go through and see my flatmates again. I’m currently in halls this year and I love my flat! I am so lucky to be really good friends with my other flatmates, we usually just chat or watch a film together at this point in the night.

~11:00 pm – Go back to my room and chill or watch Netflix

  • I try to get in my bed by 11pm as I’m normally exhausted by this point. Once I’m in bed I just scroll through my phone, watch netflix, phone my family/friends etc.

12:00/12:30ish – Sleep!

  • Finally my favourite part, SLEEP! By this point I realise that I have spent way too long on my phone and I should have gone to bed ages ago!


As I’ve previously said, every day is completely different. Since this is my first week of semester two (My course is back a week earlier than everyone else at uni) the societies haven’t started back yet. Usually I have thing on in the evening which gets me out of my flat.

But yes, that was my day! I hope you liked finding out about what I do as a first year student. If you have questions just drop a comment and I’ll try get back to you ASAP.

Thanks for reading this!

See you soon for another random post xo



My 5 Goals for 2019

For my first post on this blog, I have decided to share my goals and resolutions for the new year.

Just to give you a brief update, I am currently a first year student, studying science, at university in the UK. I’ve completed my first semester of university but I am yet to sit my first set of exams – they’re not till May…

Anyway, my goals!

1. To keep up to date with lectures and pass my exams!

I am the worst, and I mean the worst, for keeping on top of my lecture notes. Usually I have 3/4 lectures a day and 2/3 workshops or labs a day, so I always have so much to do! Since I have so many lectures, I’m usually in uni from 9-5 (Mon-Fri). So usually after a long day of learning, I am never motivated to study at night – but this is going to change! I am determined to keep on top of things and to stay orgainsed.

If you have any tips to stay motivated or good revision tips – please let me know!

2.  Make sure I exercise

I used to love sport! I did Tennis, Volleyball, Hockey, Dancing and Swimming religiously! Although now I have just seemed to have stopped everything. Every now and again I do pop to the gym (like once a month) and I also LOVE a Zumba class but I never attend routinely.

I know that doing exercise is great to help you stay motivated with revision and also it is obviously good for your health, so I really want to get back into sport.

3.   Make sure I sleep

I love sleep. I hate not getting enough sleep. However, I am the worst for staying up late at night just watching Netflix or scrolling through Twitter. So my goal for 2019 is to get 8 hours sleep at least 4 nights a week.

4. To complete my 1SE video for 2019

Last year I set myself the same goal which was to film at least one second of each day throughout the year. I managed to complete this last year and I am so proud with the outcome! It is such a great way to reflect on your year and to see all the great memories.

I highly recommend everyone to do this! It is so super easy and is so rewarding.

5. Eat Breakfast 

I am so bad for skipping breakfast in the morning! It is also really bad for your body. I think it is because I usually go to sleep so late, I sleep in late and then never have time to eat. So my plan is, since I want to make sure I sleep more, I will then wake up early enough to have time for breakfast. Here’s hoping!

So that’s my goals for 2019! If you have any advice or any cool resolutions for the next year, I’d love to hear – just drop a comment!

Thank you for reading my first post!

See you next time xo